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International Women’s Day

Celebrating Great Women

Updated March 8, 2021

This past year has been particularly challenging for us women. Working, teaching, helping kids with online learning and music lessons, finding ways to answer the questions “what’s for breakfast” “what’s for lunch” “what’s for dinner,” endless laundry, taking care of pets, exercise, self-care. The days are full and long, yet go by quickly at the same time.  

Yet, I see amazing women everyday through my work at Brighter Minds Music. Amazing women who have their own businesses and work outside the home, amazing women who teach music, amazing women who have families and run a household, amazing women who care deeply about their children and bring their children to music lessons.

I also see amazing women who are taking care of themselves and are taking music lessons to improve themselves. 

Music lessons are a wonderful form of self-care, and we would love for you to join us.  Feel free to give me a call personally at 651-485-0153 if you'd like to explore how music can bring balance to your life. 

To all of you amazing women, know that you are appreciated and valued. 

Emily Ireland, 

Owner, Director
Brighter Minds Music