Make the Music you Love 

What do YOU love about music?  

I see people connecting with music everyday - in so many different ways. 

Yesterday I was teaching a 7-year-old student online for his second lesson, and we were playing a song “will you play,” which is really a song that we make up together.  For example we would sing “Will you play some white keys now with me” and then we would play some white keys randomly on the keyboard.  I tend to not play anything fancy, but model something that the student might play. Then we would play black keys and then white keys, loud / quiet, short / long sounds, etc.  This particular student would dance everytime I would play.  He would just get up and move around and come back with a big grin on his face.  He loves to dance and loves music. It is part of who he is. 

The same day I taught a high school senior student who has been taking music lessons since she was six years old.  I keep asking her if she would like to play and sing some popular songs, but her heart is set on learning some high classical piano music.  So we are learning the nuances and practice techniques of Bach, Mozart, Chopin, Debussy, and I was able to sneak in a couple contemporary composers as well.  She loves it. 

After that I taught an adult student who loves attending music lessons - she loves the personal time for herself, and the weekly commitment to herself that music lessons provides. I’m so impressed with her commitment and progress. 

Does music feed your soul?  Does it give you an outlet to express yourself?  Does it give you an opportunity for relaxation, or a challenge to build a new skill?  Does it provide a connection with friends and family?

There are so many things to love about music. 

Our teachers can help you play the songs you love and build on what you love about music. 

Give us a call / text at 651-263-9475 and we can chat with you how to help you make the music you love.  

Send an email to and let us know a special story about what you love about music. 

See you soon! 

Emily Ireland, 
Owner, Director
Brighter Minds Music
