9 Music Activities for a Snowy Day

  1. Play your instrument

    Practice your assignment, play your favorite songs, try a challenge piece, make up your own music.  Ask your teacher for ideas.

  2. Play for an audience

    Share your music for your family in your home.  Do a video call with family or friends who live elsewhere. 

  3. Use a make-up pass for an additional online lesson

    A snowy day is a great time to take an online lesson.  Your teacher can help with a practice session, or help you learn something new.  

    Call or text our office at 651-263-9475 or email info@BrighterMindsMusic.com to find same-day teacher availability.  You can also book your lessons online for lessons the next day. 

  4. Dance Party

    Turn on some of your favorite music and have a dance party! 

  5. Sing along! 

    Search Youtube for a favorite song and sing along! Check out Ms Emily’s “Five Little Snowman” video

  6. Make a musical instrument or craft

    Check out: Winter Toddler and Preschool Craft "Paper Plate Snowman" from Ms Emily at Brighter Minds Music

  7. Listen to music

    Turn on a playlist you love or listen to something new. Bonus tip: make a fort in your living room and cuddle with blankets and stuffies while listening to music.

    Ask your teacher for their favorites to inspire you. 

  8. Watch a musical

    Search your favorite streaming service for a musical. One of my favorite musicals is Into the Woods. I was introduced when I was a child and can still sing the entire musical for memory.  Here’s a sing-a-long version on Disney Plus.

  9. Try some music-related computer games 

    Some of our favorite games are: Garageband, Simply Piano, Guitar Band, WeDrum, Incredibox.  Look for music theory games such as flashcards. 

What’s a music activity for a snowy day that you enjoy?  Let us know! 

See you soon, 

Emily Ireland, 
Owner, Director
Brighter Minds Music
