Student Spotlight:
aubrey p.
1. How long have you taken music lessons? Almost a year
2. What instrument(s) do you play? Piano
3. Who are your favorite musical artists? “Phil Wickham” , “Natalie Grant”, “Toby Mac”
4. What are your short and long-term goals with music? I would like to get better at piano and be able to finish the song I’ve been learning “Holy Water” and get to level 13.
5. What is your favorite part about taking music lessons? I like the sound of the piano in practice
6. What are your hobbies? Knitting, Crochet, softball, and anything that’s competitive
7. What are some of your favorite foods? Mangoes, pineapple, honey crisp apples, and a family recipe called “Betty’s Italian”
8. What is the coolest thing you've learned in your lessons recently? The chorus of “Holy Water”
9. Do you have any performances coming up or have you had a performance recently? I haven’t gotten to do a performance yet, but I’m excited to do the Christmas performance!
10. Why should other people play music? Because it feels good to accomplish things!
“Aubrey always seems to really enjoy her lessons! It is cool to see the progress she has made.
I'd like to nominate Aubrey Pennington for her excellence. Aubrey has been tackling some difficult rhythmic work lately, and while she's done this I've been delighted by her expression of self. She's open and honest about her practice regiment. This allows for me as her teacher to be able to guide her through what she's learning. Pointing out that it can be hard to be this honest is of utmost importance. I'm glad she feels comfortable sharing! Aubrey's music reading ability has improved significantly since we've been working together, and I hope it becomes a skill she holds to for years to come.
-Andrew, Aubrey’s Piano Teacher