Student Spotlight:
Ananya A.

1. How long have you taken music lessons? 

One year and four different teachers.

2. What instrument(s) do you play?


3. Who are your favorite musical artists? 

Olivia Rodrigo, Lindsey Sterling, and Elvis.

4. What are your short and long term goals with music?

I hope to complete the book and perform at the next concert. I want to be able to play songs without looking at the notes and my fingers.

5. What is your favorite part about taking music lessons? 

I like learning new warm ups and harmonizing with instruments.

6. What are your hobbies?  

I like taking care of animals and spending time with my dog, playing outside and exploring nature, skiing, soccer, track, biking, jump rope, reading, video and board games, traveling, knitting, sledding, swimming, rollerblading, arts and crafts, and playing with friends and family.

7. What are some of your favorite food? 

Sushi, pasta, pizza, kabobs and bubble tea.

8. What is the coolest thing you've learned in your lessons recently?

I learned an Irish song and a new warm up.

9. Do you have any performances coming up or have you had a performance recently? 

I will have a concert in the Spring for school.

10. Why should other people play music?

 It’s fun and transports you.

Ananya, who is also really shining in her lessons. Ananya has been practicing at home and is really owning her Suzuki book. She's playing the violin with some fire and focus. Very good tone. 

~ Biff, Ananya’s Violin Teacher

We would like to thank Ananya’s family for referring their friends to Brighter Minds Music.



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