Student Spotlight - C. M..png

Charlie M.

1. How long have you taken music lessons?   8 months

2. What instrument(s) do you play?  piano.

3. Who are your favorite musical artists?  Beethoven, Mozart, The Eagles, The Okee Dokee Brothers

4. What are your short and long term goals with music? To have fun playing piano and to become a professional musician.

5. What is your favorite part about taking music lessons?  Jeff is a lot of fun and makes playing piano cool.

6. What do you do in your free time?
Soccer, tennis, drawing, legos.

7. What are some of your favorite foods?  Mac & Cheese

8. What is the coolest thing you've learned in your lessons recently?  Ode to Joy

9. Do you have any performances coming up or have you had a performance recently? 
Yes, I played my first recital with Brighter Minds this past summer and I am playing on October 30 at the Brighter Minds Music Recital.

10.  Why should other people play music and take music lessons? 
Because it’s so enjoyable.

As parents, we have been so impressed with Brighter Minds. It’s brought a lot of joy to Charlie’s life. Charlie adores Jeff. He’s great with kids.

Thank you Brighter Minds for all you do.

~ Amy M., Charlie’s mom

Congratulations, Charlie! We’re so proud of you. We love to see you come to music lessons every week so excited to share your music and learn something new. We look forward to hear where music takes you.

~Emily Ireland, Owner, Brighter Minds Music


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