Student Spotlight:
Ruby n
1. How long have you taken music lessons? Since January 2021
2. What instrument(s) do you play? Guitar, French Horn, Mellophone & Trumpet
3. Who are your favorite musical artists? Red Hot Chilli Peppers & Hippo Campus
4. What are your short and long-term goals with music? Unsure
5. What is your favorite part about taking music lessons? My teacher Ben
6. What are your hobbies? Art, reading & marching band
7. What are some of your favorite foods? Chicken Alfredo, tea & smoothies
8. What is the coolest thing you've learned in your lessons recently? Unsure
9. Do you have any performances coming up or have you had a performance recently? Marching Band banquet
10. Why should other people play music? It’s fun, it makes you happy and brings joy to other people.
“Ruby has been remarkably timely with her online lessons, and always is prepared right when it starts. She receives direction with her guitar playing well, is clear with her musical preferences, and can say a lot with even just one word. Her success with french horn, mellophone, and trumpet have also added to her musical growth.