Student Spotlight:
Grace & Ethan H.
1. How long have you taken music lessons?
Grace: 2 ½ years. I took a break for softball and starting back to in-person school for a while.
Ethan: Since I was in Kindergarten for school music lessons and I started right before Christmas for these lessons.
2. What instrument(s) do you play?
Grace: The piano.
Ethan: The Piano.
3. Who are your favorite musical artists?
Grace: JJ Heller and The Green Day guys.
Ethan: I like Chris Tomlin and Tom, my music teacher for Piano.
4. What are your short and long term goals with music?
Grace: Getting better at my rhythm and my quarter notes.
Ethan: I want to play songs for church on the grand piano.
5. What is your favorite part about taking music lessons?
Grace: The teachers and the music.
Ethan: I get to play different songs.
6. What are your hobbies?
Grace: Art, reading, school. Roller blading, playing with my chickens and piano!
Ethan: Piano and baseball. I like to read and to learn about animals and I like Spanish.
7. What are some of your favorite foods?
Grace: Green bean casserole, Papa’s Big Pancakes (crepes), fruit salad and spaghetti.
Ethan: Eggs and toast, bacon, sausage and hashbrowns and chili.
8. What is the coolest thing you've learned in your lessons recently?
Grace: Strung 8th notes and how to use the metronome.
Ethan: Ode to Joy, because I hear it a lot and on tv so it makes me feel like I’m a pro.
9. Do you have any performances coming up or have you had a performance recently?
Grace: I’ll have one in July but I wish I had more because I love them.
Ethan: I don’t know.
10. Why should other people play music?
Grace: Because it makes you feel happy.
Ethan: It’s fun, it’s a great hobby. It’s a great finger exercise. That’s it.
“Living in rural Minnesota, our music lesson options are limited. We found Brighter Minds during the pandemic and it was a wonderful opportunity for us. Attending virtually works well for us, and we love the online format of the recitals, allowing family from near and far away to attend when they would otherwise be unable to participate.”
Grace has been working hard at learning scales, arpeggios, and new, fun pieces to play on the piano! She does a great job remembering what we have already worked on, and constantly shows her eagerness to learn more! Way to go, Grace!
Although Ethan is new to piano lessons, he has been showing awesome improvement in his hand technique on the piano, and he is very thoughtful about songs we are working on. Two thumbs up, Ethan!
~ Tom, Grace & Ethan’s Piano Teacher
We would like to thank Grace & Ethan’s family for referring their friends to Brighter Minds Music.