Student Spotlight:
wesley h.

1. How long have you taken music lessons?   Almost 2 years

2. What instrument(s) do you play? Piano with Teacher Ben

3. Who are your favorite musical artists?  Imagine Dragons, Shaggy, One Republic

4. What are your short and long-term goals with music?  Short Term: want to play Jingle Bells on Christmas; Long term: I hope to reach the pedals soon!

5. What is your favorite part about taking music lessons? Teacher Ben makes me laugh. Oh, and the Smarties!

6. What are your hobbies?  Playing Golf, Soccer, Swimming, Playing Piano

7. What are some of your favorite foods? Pizza, Corn Dogs & Starbursts

8. What is the coolest thing you've learned in your lessons recently? How to make "Ode to Joy" sound spooky for Halloween

9. Do you have any performances coming up or have you had a performance recently? I'm performing in the Halloween Recital tomorrow! (Oct 29)

10. Why should other people play music?  Because it's good for you and it's fun

Brighter Minds is amazing! Both our children have had wonderful experiences with their teachers (Ben with piano & Nate with drums). We are forever grateful we joined the Brighter Minds community and look forward to many more lessons to come!

— Emily & Scott H

Wesley is performing in his first ever recital, showcasing his growing musical abilities. His bright smile lights up the lesson room, and his playful personality continues to emerge through his piano playing.

-Ben, Wesley’s Piano teacher



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