Student Spotlight:
Soren V.
1. How long have you taken music lessons?
I have been taking lessons since April.
2. What instrument(s) do you play?
I play the piano.
3. Who are your favorite musical artists?
Beethoven and Mozart.
4. What are your short and long term goals with music?
I want to learn to play the theme of the Animal Crossing video game.
In the future, I would like to learn to play the violin and drums.
5. What is your favorite part about taking music lessons?
It is very fun!
6. What are your hobbies?
Collecting pokemon cards and playing Nintendo games.
7. What are some of your favorite foods?
Pizza, hot dog, and ice cream.
8. What is the coolest thing you've learned in your lessons recently?
I learned to play the Super Mario theme.
9. Do you have any performances coming up or have you had a performance recently?
No, but I perform for my family at home.
10. Why should other people play music?
Because music is a language everybody understands.
“We are so happy to have found Brighter Minds music school. It is a beautiful place and Soren loves going to every lesson.
Shout out to teacher Ben. Soren loves learning with him a lot.”
Soren is off to a great start with the piano. In addition to learning the songs from the book, he figures out other songs he likes, and makes changes to ones he already knows.
~ Ben, Soren’s Piano Teacher
We would like to thank Soren’s family for referring their friends to Brighter Minds Music.