Student Spotlight:
Nolan J-J.
1. How long have you taken music classes? Nolan has been attending music classes with his Granny for over a year.
2. What do you like about music classes? He says that his favorite part of music class is his friends, and playing drums and shakers.
3. What instrument(s) are your favorite? His favorite instrument to play in class is the clatterpillar .
4. What are your favorite songs or artists to listen to? His favorite song is Here Comes The Sun and his favorite musical artist is Teddy Swims.
5. What are some of your favorite foods? One of his favorite foods is the Subway sandwich that he has for lunch after music class each week.
6. What are your favorite activities to do when not playing music? His other favorite things to do are watching “working guys (and gals)” and climbing on a playground.
7. Why should other people play music? “Because music is fun. I like music.”
“His parents love his enthusiasm for music, singing, playing instruments and watching music videos. His Granny loves that he enjoys trying all kinds of instruments, and loves the variety of activities Miss Emily has for us to do each week. He has made good friends in class and looks forward to going each week.” -Karen, Nolan’s Granny
“Nolan loves music. His grandma, Karen, brings him every week.
She came in this week saying that Nolan said that he loves music class, worker guys and trucks. I’m so glad that music class ranks up there with worker guys and trucks. The whole class stops when a garbage truck goes by.